I often hear people complain about how boring church is or that the
prayers are long and boring, or even that the pastor says the same
prayers each week. I'd like to offer some insight and possibly change
your perception of prayer and church.
Things can be boring for
people for several reasons. Take a baseball game. If you know nothing
about baseball, of course it may be boring especially if you were
dragged to a game. Every game is the same, some could say. If you do
know how the game is played you can appreciate it. If your city owns a
team you may have patriotism for the team because of this geography. If
you have a friend, child, sibling on the team or if you enjoy playing
yourself, you will find tremendous interest in the game. You will be
interested because you are somehow connected to it and understand it.
being present at the game can be boring so, most of us, when we go to a
game we engage in active participation. We are not playing the actual
game but we are cheering, booing, standing or stomping. Some of us may
hold our breath while someone is up to bat or if the ball looks like it
is going to go out of the stadium. We talk about what is going on with
the people around us. We make note of the score, the innings, the
balls, fowls, who is up to bat, how many people are on the bases and
which ones. This is all important information. Simply paying attention
to what is going on makes the game interesting for us because our minds
and maybe our bodies are actively participating.
"Church is
boring because the pastor says the same prayers each week." Well, is a
baseball game boring because the team uses the same players each game,
they run the same bases, the same balls, often in the same stadium, the
same innings? Yet, why is every game new and fresh for many people each
week? Each game, borne of the same matrix, is different. Even though
everything is the same, somehow everything is different.
How come
we can listen to a favorite song over and over again? Why don't we get
bored with it? The answer is because we actively participate with it.
We may listen to the lyrics, tap our foot, sing along, or simply get
lost in the flow. As a musician, I can listen to the same song every
day but each day hear something different. Why? Because each day I am a
different person. I may be more alert or more tired. I may be in a
good mood or a bad mood. I often find myself breathing with the
performers. A lyric may resonate more deeply with me because something
new happened in my life. I never thought my football playing-car
mechanic friend, William, would sing nursery rhymes but now he sits with
his four your old singing "Itsy Bitsy Spider" complete with hand
movements. Why this new full and active participation with nursery
rhymes when four years ago his satellite radio was always tuned to
Ozzy's Boneyard? Something changed him. He became aware of something.
how can you fully and actively participate in the boring prayers the
pastor or priest says each Sunday when all you do is stand there? I'm
going to break apart the most boring of prayers: The Eucharistic
Prayer. It is long and boring and exists in most churches in most
denominations in some form or another. You'll probably be surprised
that most of these segments have their own names and movements. Watch
your clergy and what they do with their hands and gestures as they plow
through this prayer.
The first part of this prayer is the
Kaddosh. It is the opportunity for you to enter into the holy. The
cleric says "Lift up your hearts" and our response is "We lift them up
unto the Lord." But do we? This little segment of prayer goes by very
fast and there isn't much time to "enter into the Holy." When you enter
a baseball stadium there are a few thousand people there and it is
noisy. You can probably feel the excitement of the crowd and within
yourself almost immediately. When Isaiah entered into heaven in his
dream, there were thousands of angels there singing. What is holy and
sacred to you that gives you a special feeling? Was it being present at
the birth of your child? Scaling the summit of some great mountain and
taking in the view? Could it be holding the hand of a loved one as
they pass away? Is it like watching the sunset with someone you adore?
Whatever it is, you need to know it and practice it so when your cleric
invites you to lift your heart into a holy place, you can do it. To
further augment this action of your mind, heart and soul, consider
lifting your hands a little as you say "We lift them unto the Lord."
next part of the Eucharistic Prayer is the Eucharistia or, the giving
thanks. Here the clergy will recite some of the wonderful things God
has done. If someone does something nice for us, it is common to
actively participate with them by saying "thank you." So as the pastor
reads a list of wonderful things God has done, think to yourself "thank
you." So, it may sound something like this: Father in heaven, it is
right that we give you thanks and glory. You made the universe (thank
you), you put an end to death (thank you), you created all things (thank
you), you do not abandon us (thank you), you invite us to serve the
family of mankind (thank you), your spirit changes our hearts (thank
you), nations seek peace (thank you), you put and end to strife (thank
you), you've created the moon and stars (thank you), you created all
living creatures (thank you). A lot of times the clergy will read or
recite these things which we should be thankful for way too fast for us
to think about them or even think "thank you" to ourselves. For this I
am sorry for, even clergy can be bored, not know what they are doing or
even want to get out of there.
This section ends with the
reference of Isaiah dreaming about being in heaven and he hears the
choir of angels singing. What are they singing? "Holy, Holy, Holy" or
the Sanctus. Here, we can fully and actively participate by singing
that same song which has been sung for thousands of years. Know this,
singing oxygenates our blood which goes to our brains and muscles. If
you sing, you can't help but be a different person as your body too,
becomes transformed and energized by fresh oxygenated red blood. A
transubstantiation of sorts.
The next part is called the
Epiclesis or, evoking the Spirit to transform and sanctify all things
especially the gifts. What is the greatest gift you can offer God? No
it is not your money in the collection plate but, your self. Here a
priest will say something like "We come to you Father with praise and
thanksgiving through Jesus your Son. Through him we ask you to accept
and bless these gifts we offer you in sacrifice." The priest will then
do a sign of the cross over "the gifts." I was in a Protestant church
once where the pastor did the sign to the congregation. That was
powerful for me. It meant that all the gifts I offer in sacrifice such
as volunteering at the hospital, the homeless shelter or answering the
suicide hotline - are blessed and sanctified by the Holy Spirit. When
Jesus was baptized, the heavens opened up and the Holy Spirit descended
upon him "like a dove." This is your opportunity to also be sanctified
by the gifts you offer God. What did you offer God? Was it money? I
bet it was money. Some churches love money.
The next part for
you to participate in is the Institutional Narrative or Anamnesis. This
is the story telling time. It is the time to remember and participate
in what Jesus did by re-telling his story. Have you ever gone camping
and sat around the fire and listened to people tell stories? That is
what this is like except our fire consists of a few candles. I bet each
one of us can remember huge childhood meals with our family such as
Thanksgiving where the turkey is carved, bread is broken (and smeared
with butter), dishes are passed, wine is poured . . . This is the
Institutional Narrative and it tells of the day before Jesus suffers, he
takes bread, looks to heaven, gives thanks and breaks it and passes
it. He then says to "Do this in memory of me." Do we? Or, are these
just words whizzing by at breakneck speed? We then actively participate
by saying or singing an acclamation of memorial, "Christ has died,
Christ is risen, Christ will come again." I hope you're ready.
next part which goes by quickly is the Offering or Anaphora. It is the
invitation or offering our gifts and self with, in and through Christ.
We ask God to look with favor upon these offerings and accept them.
next long section goes way too fast. It is the intercession to include
all our friends, relatives, living or dead in this action of salvation
even if they are not present. We ask God (and ourselves) to remember
the church, a list of clergy, maybe a dash of politicians, in the Roman
Catholic church a specific person whose family paid the priest to
mention them, all our brothers and sisters who have gone to their
eternal rest, maybe a list of people in our congregation who are ill,
Mary, the apostles and all the saints. I say that this section, despite
its length, goes too fast because when it comes time to remember my
deceased relatives, there are far too many to think about in the one
second the cleric as allotted me.
Even more rapid is the
Doxology where we praise God in union with everyone just mentioned and
give God glory through his Son, Jesus Christ. If you are quick, you can
sneak in a thought of praise to God for everyone and everything just
The next part is the Renewal of the Covenant. This
is the moment of truth. A covenant is a binding agreement. It is your
contract with God. A verbal handshake. If you break a contract in
everyday life you could be sued, forced to pay restitution, fired or
even sent to prison. Break this contract with God - He'll give you
another chance next week - He is not as vengeful and punitive we humans
are. Your acceptance of everything God promises you is your saying
"Amen." In return, your "Amen" is a promise to God to live, be and
spread the Good News. That means you won't leave church and judge
others, ostracize, abandon, ignore, cheat or lie. You will use the gift
or yourself to feed, clothe, visit, heal and comfort. Don't say "Amen"
if you don't intend to hold up your end of the bargain. That would
mean your word is worthless. Even though God will forgive you, your
word is still worthless and you will know it. That is why this is
called "The Great Amen." If you beleive in the salvific power of this
prayer and the resurrection, this is a life and death proposition. Will
you break this contract when you leave the church parking lot and
someone cuts in front of you? How do you feel when you break your
word? Buddha called that karma.
Prayer is not something to
stand there and listen to, it is something you do even if it is only in
your own mind. To sum up your full and active participation in the act
of worshiping God during the Eucharistic Prayer, it involves: entering
that place which is holy, giving thanks to God several times for what he
has done, invoking the Spirit of God upon us (or the gifts), listening
to the stories and giving them meaning, offering in Thanksgiving,
interceding for those who are not here and remembering each of them,
giving thanks, and finally, renewing the covenant and affirming it with
an amen. And of course, keeping your word the rest of the week.
if you want to fully and actively participate in the prayers that your
clergy is reciting, he will be going slow enough so that you can take
the time to respond and remember and affirm in your own mind what he is
saying. If he is going too fast or you don't really care to
participate, may the force be with you, na-new na-new.
If you do
fully and actively participate, you'll leave church a different person,
a better person a more compassionate person. A person trying to be
better. A Eucharistic person. A person of transubstantiation. A
person of