Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Make Recitals Great Again

From my "Make Recitals Great Again" recital. It was 95 degrees outside and I don't know what the temperature was inside the church under those 500 watt flood lights but this was the stickiest, sweatiest and most difficult recitals I have ever played.  My fingers were so sweaty that they were sliding off the keys.

This has always been a difficult organ to record because the swell and solo divisions are located in a chamber on the other side of the chancel, the great is located right behind my head and the choir division is installed up in the balcony and consequently often sounds out of sync.  For this recital I placed the recorder in the middle of the church amongst the people and that seems to have equalized it.

Other Pieces from this Recital:

Fugue in G Major, Bach
Allegro From Concerto II, Bach
Princess Leia's Theme from Star Wars
Carillon De Westminster by Vierne
Fanfare by Malcolm Kogut
Prelude in C Major, Bach
Battle Hymn of the Republic
Toccata on "Duke Street"
Once In Love With Amy
Hedwig's Theme from Harry Potter
Trumpet Tune by Marsh
Eternal Father, Strong To Save
20th Century Fox Fanfare
A movement from Jupiter; Bringer of Jollity by Holst From The Planets

Malcolm Kogut

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Rest In Peace, Prince

Speculation at this point is that Prince died from an overdose of Percoset which is a combination of acetaminophen and oxycodone. Oxycodone is an addictive opioid pain medication and Prince had been taking it because he had been suffering from chronic pain for quite a while. 

Had Prince been able to use marijuana for his pain, he might still be alive today.  Marijuana is non addictive, has no side effects (other than the munchies), does not cause death and has been proven to be an effective pain relieving herb.  However, the government has deemed the herb marijuana to be a drug and Prince lived a clean life and would not do drugs.  They can kill you or get you arrested.

What other artists have died from pharmaceutical prescription drug overdoses?  Elvis, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Heath Ledger, Anna Nicole Smith, Chris Farley, Kurt Cobain, Margeaux Hemingway, Freddie Prinze, Bruce Lee, Keith Moon, Jimi Hendrix, Judy Garland, Brian Epstein, Marilyn Monroe, Tommy Dorsey and Sigmund Freud. 

Back in the 1930's, marijuana was a successful treatment for drug and alcohol addiction.  Today, you can spend thousands at a rehab center.

Sheet Music for "The Heavens Declare"

Here is a copy of the sheet music for "The Heavens Declare; Psalm 19" by Benedetto Marcello.  It is scored for trumpet and organ.!IVcyCLiD!eObT5RbQUj7b8FWIrzn3iBOT3lnFbuy0CVE5_mhPqlI

Monday, March 28, 2016

Who are you Voting For?

I recently wrote a blog about how even an atheist can go to church to find scriptural relevance in their life and someone wrote back to me with the opinion that bible stories are totally irrelevant to our daily lives.  Not true.  One just needs to listen and do the homework of application in order to gleam insight.

I have friends who are firmly rooted in the camps of all the presidential candidates.  Likewise, there are many who despise each of the candidates.  We live in a democracy, well, democracy means "rule by the people" but in fact, we live under the rule of the vocal minority.  Since not everyone engages in their right to vote and communicate with their elected officials, only those who do vote get to pick the people who shape our future and control our present. Only those who voice their opinions to their elected officials get to make the rules.  If you don't like a law, have you voiced your opinion in opposition to it? If not, not to act is to act.

If I write my elected officials telling that marijuana, for instance, is a devil drug which causes white women to have sex with black men resulting in syphilis (Harry Anslinger said this), and you don't write to counter that opinion (Fiorello LaGuardia did but the pharmaceutical, alcohol, tobacco and timber lobbies were too strong), all the politician knows is what I, their constituent and the lobby opines to them.

Gillibrand once admitted to authoring and voting for bills and laws that she knew nothing about.  She was asked to vote for them by peers or lobbyists so, she did. That is not a rule by the people but by the vocal minority. Gillibrand co-authored the PIPA law then admitted that she never even read it nor knew of the ramifications of it becoming law.  This is our fault that poor leadership like this is allowed to happen and it happens more often then not.

We shouldn't vote for a candidate because they are the incumbent, or they are smart, good looking, rich, entertaining, a politician, a member of a party, religious or a good businessmen.  We have to vote for someone who will lead by the will of the people.  We need someone who doesn't hate a particular religion, gender, sexual orientation, color or nationality. Surely, that criteria alone reduces the playing field down to one or two.

I would not use religion to force someone to live by my religious views and laws.  Most people would not allow themselves to be forced to live by the laws of a religion that they didn't beleive in such as  Christian, Muslim, Jew or Spaghetti Monster. What may be a law for one may be an asinine outlook for another.  But, there are many good lessons that can be found in all scripture which may also be used to inspire us or help us look at an issue differently. For instance, the response of Samuel and God to the Israelite's.  The people wanted a king to rule, judge and reign over them because they didn't trust themselves, Samuel nor God to rule them. God's response was to outline the cost of a king to rule over them; He will take your sons and wage war with them.  He will appoint for himself commanders of thousands.  He will take your daughters for perfumers and cooks and bakers. He will take the best of your fields and give them to his servants. He will take your profits and give them to his officers and to his servants. Then you will cry out because of your king whom you have chosen for yourselves.  This is exactly what our country has done for the past 300 years and why we are currently asleep at the wheel.  We do we put these people in charge then allow them to screw it up? 

So choose wisely.  Choose not the person or party who will rule over you but, that you rule.  Or, don't vote at all and let your neighbor choose the person who makes all the laws and decisions that you will have to live by.  Worse yet, vote for the person who won't listen to you at all and rule over you to their benefit and that of their friends. It's all in the bible.


We've been lied to and refuse to hear the truth.

I met a middle aged woman who is wracked with pain due to fibromyalgia, back injuries and arthritis.  She takes seven medications for her ailments and for the ancillary side effects they each cause.  In other words, she takes drugs for the drugs she takes.  She takes one which keeps her awake and another to help her sleep.  It is pharmaceutical chaos in her blood stream.  I told her how a friend of mine has a back injury which rendered him disabled at the age of 43 and the only drug he can take for the pain is morphine but that knocks him out and makes him sick. He has since discovered marijuana as a control for his pain, sleeping and even staying awake.  When I recommended to this woman that marijuana might offer her relief from both the pain and the prescriptions' side effects, she replied, "I don't do drugs." 


This country has a weird and unhealthy fetish with what we define as drugs.  Although marijuana is legal in several states, even the monstrosity called FACEBOOK takes it upon itself to police the internet and take down legal pages about marijuana even in the states where the herb is legal.  Not only are they taking down legal pages but harming tax paying businesses and the states at the same time. 

In 2013, 47,055 people died from prescription drugs.  How many died from marijuana use?  Zero.  C'mon Facebook, get with the times and start increasing the quality of life for people suffering from addiction, pain, mental health illness and debilitating diseases rather than denying them a chance to live pain-free and otherwise productive lives. 

What is the difference between Oxycontin and Marijuana?  One is addictive and can cause chills, confusion, difficulty breathing, dizziness, fever, tightness in the chest, abdominal pain, blood in the urine, convulsions, increase in heart rate, muscle pain, rapid weight gain, severe constipation, blurred vision and death.  The other one causes the munchies.

Which would you choose to put into your body? 

I have been sober for 45 minutes

 Q:  What? 
A:  Two organ recitals. 

Q:  Boring! 
A:  I mean, no, not like that stuff you hear in church on Sunday. Sunday organ can be very boring but this recital, it's big, like, like really big, like OJ did it big.  You gotta come.

Q:  We have guitars and a band in my church. 
A:  The organ has a noble estate in church music.  It is a sustaining and strengthening instrument designed for congregational singing. Consider other instruments such as guitars, piano or percussion. Once you play a sound on any of these instruments the sound immediately begins to decay, necessitating more fills and chords.  But singing doesn’t work this way.  The organ’s sound lifts and sustains the voice of the congregation through each phrase, guiding each breath, and setting the character of the song through its wide range of voices.  The organ fills a room naturally making it possible to fill any space. An amplified band gives you a directional, electronic copy of the instruments while the pipe organ needs no amplification; Give it a chance.  You may go back to your guitars on Sunday.

Q:  Tell me about the two organs. 
A:  Trinity's organ is a relatively new three manual tracker which means it is very challenging to play for many organists who are trained but still don't know what they are doing ergonomically.  After the recital, feel free to go up and touch the keys.  Malcolm will be giving a talk about the ten ergonomic movements required to properly and effortlessly play a tracker and, how to avoid and cure tendonitis and carpal tunnel syndrome through natural movement.  The talk will begin around 2:30 but make a reservation so he can prepare materials.  The Foothill organ is an electronic four manual Rodgers with speakers placed around the room for the ultimate in surround sound.

Q:  Is there a Malcolm Kogut action figure? 
A:  We would think so.

Q:  Is Malcolm Kogut still alive? 
A:  Yes, as far as we know.  We don't have any current information about his health.  However, being older than 40, we hope that everything is okay.

Q:  Where was Malcolm Kogut born? 
A:  On a hill, far away in Troy, NY

Q:  What is Malcolm Kogut doing now? 
A:  Supposedly, 2016 has been a busy year for him.  However, we do not have any detailed information on what he is doing these days.  Maybe you know more.  Feel free to share the latest news, gossip and official contact information with the person next to you.

Q:  Are there any photos of Malcolm's current hairstyle or shirtless?
A:  There might be.  But unfortunately we currently cannot print them here.  We are working hard to fill that gap though.  Check back tomorrow or Google it.

Q:  Where are these recital things? 
A:  THERE ARE TWO; The first is on April 10, at Trinity Lutheran Church at 42 Guy Park Ave, Amsterdam, NY 12010. The theme here will be "Old Friends."  It will be somewhat selfish on Malcolm's part in that all the pieces will be pieces that he likes to play, has played many times and they fit like a glove.  Not like the OJ glove but, bigger.

The second is on May 22 at Foothills Methodist Church at 17 Fremont St, Gloversville, NY 12078. This recital will consist of patriotic music.  The final number is guaranteed elicit a standing ovation from the audience.  Both recitals are at three o'clock in the afternoon.

Q:  Cost? 
A:  They're freeeeeeee! (my Harvy Levin impersonation).

A letter from Malcolm Paul to the internet; I am very pleased and excited to be performing these recitals on April 10 and May 22, at three, and I Tertius, who wrote this letter, am pleased to be going, also.  Malcolm has been playing the organ since he was 15 and by simple calculations, that makes him OLD which is often fatal and highly contagious; To be more precise (and nerdy), his current age as of right now is 19742 days or (even more geeky) 473804 hours. Malcolm was born on the 16th of January which was a Tuesday meaning he was conceived between April 21 - April 29.  His next birthday is only 245 days from today.  BTW, at both recitals, I hear there will be cake. 
Sample links of each organ (Stars and Stripes):
Foothills Organ:
Trinity Organ: