Sunday, December 9, 2012

Avalanche Lake's Hitch Up Matilda

Avalanche Lake is approximately one mile long and is wedged between Avalanche Mountain and Colden Mountain.  There is a trail nestled at the edge of the lake where the hiker will experience numerous scrambles that must be made over, under and around various boulders. The trail follows along the west edge of the lake, sometimes requiring the use of catwalks bolted to the rock face of Avalanche Mt. These catwalks are known as "Hitch-up Matildas" because prior to the existence of the walkways, a guide was carrying a young woman named Matilda through the Pass. As the water became deeper, her sister repeatedly urged Matilda to "hitch-up" in order to remain dry.  Thanks to the Adirondack Mountain Club, we all get to remain dry. 

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