Sunday, January 5, 2014

On the Twelth day of Christmas . . .

You may be thinking that I saved the worse for last.  Au contraire bon amie, you couldn't be more wrong.  Before you listen to this recording, keep in mind that this wonderful performance comes  from children in an inpatient music therapy program at a child psychiatric hospital.  These children range in age from 5 - 13 who stay there 24 hours a day for a period of one to three years. Children enter the program for treatment of a wide variety of developmental, suicidal and behavioral disorders and were considered a danger to themselves and others.   According to the director, the children normally have difficulty sitting still for more than five seconds at a stretch.  They learn everything by rote and repetition.  The director still hears from one of his saxophone players from the seventies who credits this program with saving his life every Christmas.

Another student, Angelo writes:  I went to CPH at U. of M. back in 1980-82 and was involved in the program. I played the drums, and other instuments. We play in the Jazz Band under Charlie & Ken.  While I was at CPH I learned the guitar were I slept (4th floor) and the drums on the 6th floor. You guys, if you ever read this, you have changed my life when you introduced music and I just want to say thanks for the time and patience you put into me and the other kids…keep up the good work! I am now 35 years old and have been married 12 years to my wife Shirley who supports my music 100%.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

I hope these merry musical mishaps have inspired, entertained, or mildly frightened you.  At the very least, they serve to show that no matter how bleak your holiday season, it could always be worse.

Wishing you Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Epiphany, Happy Winter Solstice, and a  great New Year of peace, love and joy.  NOW, take down those trees and lights.  We've got a baptism coming up.

BUT WAIT, you're probably saying to yourself, Malcolm, on this twelve day journey to find a treasure of "stability," you never included the actual song "The Twelve Days of Christmas." If that is what you want, then follow this link to the amazing Straight, No Chaser:

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