Showing posts with label don't shoot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label don't shoot. Show all posts

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Stop and Frisk App

Most everyone carries a phone with video capabilities today so it is not surprising that when something happens in the community, the footage we see on the news is from someone who just happened to be passing by rather than a professional journalist.

Most all of the headline news video evidence against police wrongdoing over the past few years has been shot from bystanders who saw the encounter and pulled out their cellphones.  These videos can not only help to get bad cops off the street but, it can also be used to protect the good ones who are often accused of negligence but later exonerated because of amateur video evidence.

The ACLU has developed an app called "Stop and Frisk App" or "Mobile Justice App" which was designed to serve this purpose, to both protect the rights of those suspected of malfeasance and the officer from those who foolishly resist their authority.

Here is how it works.  You install the app on your phone and when you are pulled over or detained by the police, you trigger the app.  It then sends out a message to nearby users where the police encounter is happening.  Those community groups who monitor police activity can then go to the scene and record the interaction.  The video is recorded live and also saved on the ACLU servers where it is inspected and preserved as evidence.

I have to repeat that this app is a great tool to both protect the police and protect the rights of those who are being detained by the police.  It is also a message to Big Brother that Little Brother is watching, too.

Check it out at the ACLU website: