Showing posts with label terrorist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label terrorist. Show all posts

Thursday, November 26, 2015

November 26th.

An army of terrorists strike again.  They poured over the borders.  They burned villages.  They murdered and raped women and children.  They took the men and boys as slaves.  Those who survived escaped to seek refuge in other territories or were forced into designated areas.  Many of the refugees were not welcome in the other territories.  The terrorists took the land and everyone was either exterminated, eliminated or forced into assimilation. Millions died under the banner of religion.
Act now.  Write to the monarchs of England, France and Spain demanding that they turn their ships around. 

Oh Christopher Columbus, you committed genocide on the Arawak nation then lied to your queen about the amount of gold found on Hispaniola so you could get more ships and then you had a holiday named for you. 
Happy Native American Heritage month.  All others, Happy Thanksgiving.