Thursday, August 8, 2013

Nathanial Cyrenius Ingram

My good friend Nathanial "Cy" Ingram was born on December 5, 1925 and passed away on Thursday, March 7, 2013.  There was no funeral, no announcement and no wake for this wonderful man.  His family, friends and church only found out this June that he died and was secretly cremated.  We recently held a private memorial service for him and only family, his church and friends were invited to attend.  There, many wonderful stories of Cy were told as we celebrated his life and friendship.

Cy was a war hero who earned many awards for his service to our great country.  In the accompanying picture, you can see Cy proudly displaying the medals, badges and patch he received. 

Left to right, rear:  Expert Marksmanship Qualification Badge with clasps for Rifle, expert infantryman and four combat actions!

Bronze Star, awarded for acts of heroism, merit or Meritorious service in a combat zone.

Silver Star, the third highest military decoration for Valor awarded to Cy for gallantry in action against an enemy of the United States, in this case Nazi Germany.  In this one instance he saved the lives of ten men.  Injured and unable to walk, one by one, on his butt he dragged them away from enemy fire and hoisted each of them over a stone wall to safety.

Purple Heart, awarded for being injured while serving with the military.

Left to right, front:  Victory Medal, awarded to all who served in the  military during World War II.

European Theater Medal, with three oak leaf clusters for three years of service there.

Good Conduct Medal awarded to active duty members of the U.S. military who complete three consecutive years of honorable service.

 Shoulder patch of the 30th Infantry Division (Old Hickory) who valiantly served in Normandy, France, Germany and the Battle of the Bulge.

One story which I shared was about Cy's garden.  Cy, like a new Antaeus, had about six acres of back yard and it was laced with flower beds, fountains, arches and lattice which supported the growth of Trumpet Vines, Clematis and Wisteria.  Among his prized floral arrays were several Peony beds.

Cy had an addition built onto the back of his house.  It was a large octagon shaped room with a marble fire place and several  double glass doors which could be opened up.

Cy told me about one spring morning when a woman knocked on his door asking if she could cut some of his Peony flowers for her wedding that weekend.  Cy asked her where she was getting married and she said that it was going to be at the court house and performed by a Justice of the Peace. 

Cy said,
"Nonsense.  Have the wedding in my back yard and you can hold the reception in my octagon room."
She did and Cy even gave her a cash gift.  That was the kind of gentle man he was.  He is sorely missed.

The Department of the Aging and family and friends need to be vigilante against people befriending and tricking our elderly into signing everything they own over to scrupulous individuals. 

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